Previous Presidents
2021-2022 - Joanne Wilson

From the President's Desk
The President's monthly reports are saved month by month on the sub pages.
On the 1st July 2020, it was my honour to take over the role of President of Woolmer Forest Lions Club from Richard Balchin.
I have been involved with Woolmer Forest Lions for over 30 years as my late husband Andrew became a very active member back in 1990. Joining him at many of the Lions socials and helping with some of the fundraising events gave me a good insight into what becoming a Lion involves.
When I lost Andrew in 2012, I did not want to also loose the connection and support I had with Woolmer Forest Lions and so became a member myself. As I became more involved with the business side of Lions, I took on the role of Secretary and held that position for five years. This gave me the opportunity to find out more about the Lions organisation and the great work that is done both locallyand nationally, as well as internationally. Much of this work that we as local Lions partake in such as Message in a Bottle and SpekTrek are organised on a national level and we also have the chance to support some very important international appeals.
Of course most of the work that we as Woolmer Forest Lions get involved in is to support our local community whether fundraising for local people in need or just giving our support at local events. Taking on the role of President in this difficult time means that a lot of our normal activities have been curtailed, but we continue to support our community wherever we can.
Lions also support each other, and I know that our members will continue to keep a look out for each other as well as giving me all the support needed as President. Lions would not work without our members giving their time willingly when asked and if we are to thrive, we need to be continually looking for new members to join us.
This year 2021, will see us celebrating our 40th Charter Anniversary and we hope to be able to plan some special events when the Coronavirus situation stabilises. Forty years of supporting the local community is worth celebrating.
I will do my best to serve Lions well over my Presidential term and will try to keep you informed of our activities. I am always very happy to hear from anyone wanting to find out more about our Club or Lions in general, so please feel free to contact me at
Joanne Wilson